Thursday, April 21, 2011


So, I really have no intention of this blog going like the last one where it became primarily about debating theology, but I thought I'd mention church a bit, because today is the first day of the Triduum and I had a lot of fun tonight, and because it is actually a rather relevant topic when it comes to my divorce and most especially to the complete reboot of my life.

I am currently a part of a small Anglo-Catholic community.  It's a little church, and for years I would drive by it and say, "I wonder what they are like?  I ought to go see sometime," but never really did.  There was a lot of reasons for my interest, not the least being that I was already (at the point of time I'm discussing) daily doing morning and evening prayer out of the Book of Common Prayer. 

Then, late last spring, things were getting SO bad at church where I was that I decided I NEEDED to go look around a bit.  So, I went by myself and visited.  It was the Sunday before Ascension, if I remember right.  It was nice.  I liked it.  Then, a few months later, I visited again, this time with Therese and, of all people, my ex's current beau, Bluto.  (Who was so uncomfortable he looked like he thought he was being mentally raped just being there.)  That was  the Sunday before July 4th. 

On both occasions, Father was just awesome and welcoming and made a great impression on me.  It's a little church, but beautiful.  And I loved the liturgy. 

So, when my relationship with my old religious affiliation all came to a head and I HAD to choose to go elsewhere, they were the first place that came to mind.

Now, it isn't perfect.  I have some ecclesiastical issues with them - and with the entire continuing Anglican movement since it is all so fractured.  I may not stay there forever.  But, for right now, it is what I need.  Father is one of the most pastoral men I've ever met.  He's awesome.  And it's a very little place, so I quickly got to know everybody.

And having sat down several times to talk through stuff with Father he cleared it with the Bishop to have me be involved and help out even though I haven't, officially, jumped through all the required hoops yet. 

So, on Sunday, the guys that normally help him out were all either sick or out of town.  So, as I was about to sit down he came up and asked, "Can you do me a big favor?"  And I said, "Sure, what?"  And he said, "Can you serve today?" 

And I answered, "I have no idea what to do?"  But he walked me through it and it was fun.

It feels really good to be involved again.  To not be just someone who shows up and sits in the pew, but to be a part of it all.  OK, so it is all new and different and kind of weird, but it's good. 

And he that sat upon the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new."  --Revelation 21:5a


  1. Could you remind me what some of your problems were, at your old church? Maybe a link to something you posted before?

    My heart goes out to American Anglicans of pretty much all types; I know lots of faithful, devout, orthodox Episcopalians, who have basically had their church hijacked from them, and are now inexorably being driven out from the church their grandparents and great-grandparents raised them into. And you're right - the 'continuing Anglicans' are in a precarious spot, at least for now. . .

    Which BCP were you praying from - the 1928, or the new one?

  2. I am so glad you are in a church right now where you can find some peace and sanctuary.

  3. Craig: I'll post something later about my issues. And we are using the 1928, but modified a bit to make it closer to the old, pre-Reformation, Sarum rite missal.

    Therese: Thanks. I can, and do.

  4. That's great, to have that place; and really great, to serve- I've been doing that for years, and it's a very neat, very prayerful piece of my spiritual life

  5. And the word-captcha, was 'ublesse'.. hmmm

  6. I'm glad you've found a good church - I freely admit that my entire basis for supporting/attending St E's is bcz of my deep fondness of/appreciation for its pastor, Father Mike. He is a true inspiration.
    The Cafeteria Catholic
